Tax Review and Tax Verification

We have the skills and experience to prepare independent company tax reviews. We ensure that our client comply to the existing tax regulation. In the event that our client is subjected to tax audit by the government, we assist them in reconciling and reviewing financial information. We analyze any correction made by the tax auditors and challenge it if we believe that it is inaccurate or wrong.

Tax Objection and Appeal

In the event when a client receives an unfair assessment from the government, we will assess the winning possibility of our client. If we think that the client has a high chance of winning the case, we will help our client to prepare and lodge a letter of objection and represent the client at the tax o ce. If the objection is rejected, we will represent our client to pursue the case in the tax court.

Tax Refund

When our client overpay taxes, we assist them to get a refund from the government. We assess our client tax risk and mitigate the risk before proceeding with the refund.

Transfer Pricing

With an increase transaction between a liate companies, the importance to regulate transfer pricing has captured the tax authority’s attention. In Indonesia, domestic transaction between a liate companies are subjected to transfer pricing regulation and therefore, companies which has significant amount of transactions with a liate companies are required to submit transfer pricing documentation.

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